The Infernal Lands – Print Edition

Thanks to the miracle of CreateSpace, the print edition of The Infernal Lands is now available! Holding that first proof copy in my hands was really something else, an experience I won’t soon forget – especially since I had no plans to ever release any of my books in print before I came across CreateSpace. Although I am changing the covers for the books in the Aionach Saga, I figured I’d go ahead and release this one. Anyone who happens to get their hands on a copy before the cover change in late May will have wrangled something of unquestioned rarity. The “Arcadian Star” cover will always be the first edition, and as the new books in the series are released in the coming years, its like will probably never be available again. There are precious few out there who will read this post before May, but on the off chance that you’re one of them, consider this fair warning. I’m truly excited to reveal the new cover, though, and to talk about some of the finer design and artistic decisions surrounding its conception, as well as to highlight the excellent artist behind it. Stay tuned!

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