Adventure Awaits...

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I'm a self-published author, but only by night.

By day, J.C. Staudt dons a collared button-down and works as a web developer and graphic designer. He's been writing stories since childhood (and actually finishing them since a few years ago). The folder of abandoned tales he produced as a young writer is unlikely to ever see the light of day, though.

Somewhere along the line, he took up the notion that he ought to see one of these stories through to the end. Naturally, for his first novel, he chose the biggest, fattest story he’d ever attempted, a multi-threaded post-apocalyptic fantasy epic called The Infernal Lands.

This website is intended to serve as a chronicle of his adventures in self-publishing, his thoughts on writing, and his development as an individual encumbered by the double-edged sword of creativity.

  • Unnamed Project

    Draft Complete

  • Unannounced project (Book 1)

    Draft Complete

  • Mage Song (Book 4)

    First Draft

  • Unannounced Project (Book 2)

