Across the heat-blasted wastelands of a post-apocalyptic world, ages of high technology lay in ruin. Mutants and madmen roam vast derelict cities while nomads and monsters haunt the edges of a brutal wilderness. Armies rise up to war over what yesterday left behind.
But something larger than war is brewing beneath the Aionach. The inhabitants of this lawless realm are beginning to unearth mysteries from a forgotten age. Mysteries that may reveal the true nature of their dying world and unlock its darkest secrets.
The Infernal Lands is a tale of survival and heroism that follows a stunning cast of characters: the vengeful drifter, the council of kinetic mages, the cult priestess with a taste for human sacrifice, the bitter mercenary, the slaver king, and the sand sorceress who wields the power to command the very ground she walks on.
Multiple narratives entwine to reveal a sprawling epic in the grand tradition of science-fantasy; a little post-nuclear adventure, a little weird west, and more than a dash of heroic fantasy.