
The Aionach Saga

The Shepherd

The Shepherd

The Infernal Lands

The Infernal Lands

Children of the Wastes

Children of the Wastes


Dweller (2020)

Rust and Petrichor

Rust and Petrichor (2022)




Driftmetal II

Driftmetal II: The Skyward Realm

Driftmetal III

Driftmetall III: The Clockwork Legion

Driftmetal IV

Driftmetal IV: Heaven’s Blood

Driftmetal V

Driftmetal V: Cloudscape

Mage Song








Skyjackers - Season One

Skyjackers – Season One

The Solumancer Cycle











30 thoughts on “Works

  • So far I’ve read driftmetal 1-5 and skyjackers season one. Fantastic!! Got the girlfriend hooked on them and she is binge reading them as well. Amazing character development and witty humor, i love it! Keep them coming!

  • just finished reading Mage Song books 1 & 2. Looking forward to book 3 in 2017. The books were very well written as I stayed completely involved keeping the various subplots straight as you built your story line. Please keep writing so I can continue to read.

  • I have enjoyed Mage Song 1 & 2. Book 2 ended hurriedly. Will some of the events of the last chapter be expanded upon in book 3?

    • Thanks Richard, glad you’re enjoying them! Book three will wrap everything up nicely, with ribbon and a bow. I do plan to continue the series after the third volume, but the fourth and subsequent books will extend into their own separate story lines.

  • Just finished Mage Song 1 & 2 and thought they were outstanding. Reminded me of Anthony Ryan’s first Blood Song novel. However unlike Ryan, your follow up continued an amazing story with the same commitment by strong characters. Looking forward to Awakener. Keep up the great work.

    • Thank you Wilson, that’s high praise and it means a lot. I’ve heard other people say there’s a sharp decline in quality through the further books in that series, and I hope that’s not the case here. I’m finishing up Awakener as we speak – aiming to set down the final words sometime this evening or tomorrow. It’s been an enjoyable process and I hope the third volume lives up to your expectations.

  • Where are Spiral and Hazard available? It says they were both released last year, but I’m having no luck finding them.

    • Spiral and Hazard have not been released yet, sorry :-/ I’ve had other projects keeping me from finishing them, but I’ve got them on my schedule!

  • After purchasing and reading 3 books of the Solumancer Cycle that I love so much, from Smashwords, I bought Driftmetal The Complete Series, also from Smashwords. I haven’t read it, but the thought of doing so makes me giddy with excitement.

    I have to say once again how much I LOVE the Solumancer Cycle and can’t get enough of it. I literally cannot wait for the two final books. Sometimes I even think I don’t want it to end. Cade and his stories are so delicious to enjoy.

    I will definitely buy the Mage Song and Aionach Saga, later on. Thank you so much for writing your books and provide the option to purchase outside of Amazon.

    Deep respect,

    • Bima, thanks so much for your kind words! I’m glad to hear you’ve enjoyed the Solumancer Cycle – it’s an incredibly fun series to write and I’m really looking forward to getting books 4 and 5 out on the shelves. Never been about the whole exclusivity deal that Amazon demands for books in its Kindle Unlimited program, so I tend to keep my works available via wide distribution on all platforms. Hope you enjoy Driftmetal and the other series. I’d love to know what you think of them!

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