Sales and Progress Update – August 2016

I continue to be amazed, astonished, floored, and [insert myriad other adjectival synonyms] about the direction in which things are moving.

Amazon-only sales further increased from 344 units in July to 464 in August across all my titles, and now nearly halfway through September it seems sales will surpass that record yet again. In doing so, my 30-day earnings chart reached and quickly surpassed the $1,000 mark for the first time ever. In truth, it’s the first time I’ve come anywhere close to that figure.

My three most recently-released titles accounted for 95% or more of those sales, with strong showings for both the first two books in my Mage Song series and the first book in my pen name series (one reader has already discovered my secret identity – can you?). Reviews are starting to trickle in, they’re largely positive, and readers are moving on to the second book in the trilogy in larger numbers than any of my previous series, which is a sure sign that people are enjoying them.

As for my current projects, I’ve completed outlines for the first three books in a new Urban Fantasy series (so hot right now), using a pre-writing process which was intended to flesh out the story thoroughly before I wrote Word One of the first draft. I’m on my way through those outlines now, drafting them into novels. My hope is to finish within a couple of months, at which point I’ll set them aside for later review, editing, and release.

I expect to head back to both Mage Song and my pen name series around Thanksgiving, and should finish both trilogies in the winter and spring, respectively.

I’ll write the next gigantic book in The Aionach Saga next summer. Though that series continues to barely sell at all, it’s my passion project, so I’ll continue to write them until the story is done.

Thanks for reading, and best of luck to you in all your undertakings!

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