I’m Still Here!

I write every day. I’ve been in the habit for a couple of years now, yet I haven’t had a new release since early October. Lately I’ve been so focused on getting new stories down that I haven’t really wanted to stop and edit for any significant period of time. I’ve finished two novels and the first episode of a new steampunk serial that takes place several hundred years before Driftmetal, so I’m producing a lot of work which will eventually be released. However, one of my completed novels is for a new fantasy trilogy, which I’ve decided to write in its entirety before I release any of the books. So there’s that. I also just finished Children of the Wastes, the second novel in the Aionach Saga, which was incredibly long and took me the better part of six months to write. That one’s going to be a whopper to edit, but my goal is to have it out by the end of March. Keep an eye out here as I’ll be doing a cover reveal soon. I commissioned some beautiful artwork months and months ago for it that I’ve been incredibly excited to finally show off. Also, these novels and more are the kinds of stuff I offer to my Readers’ Group for FREE before they come out, so sign up on the right sidebar if you want to get in on that. Thanks for reading!

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